
Laar Technology & Consulting




last update: 16.01.2025

Profile and Services

Zauneidechse Kreuzotter Kreuzkröte


Tools and measurement equipment (Ultrasounddetectors,Pest detection, Newt traps, Light traps) for field biology you find also on pages of the partner company BVL von Laar.

We consult authorities, companies and assist by realisation
Herpetology (Amphibians / Reptiles) and Bioacoustic (Bats, Xylobionts etc.).

We offer and support the following services

      -    Development and realisation of CEF- and FCS-tasks (Herpetology)

     -   Surveying and mapping, ecological assistance by buildings

     -   Upgrading of natural habitats (Herpetologie, RPW-Management)

     -   Methods development (Herpetology & Bioacoustic, RPW-Management, grain pests)

     -   Consulting (avoiding conflicts Herpetology & Bioacoustic, RPW (Red Palm Weevil))

     -   Training / Workshops (Herpetology & Bioacoustic, RPW, Fall army worm, grain weevil)

     -   Producing for time close air pictures for development-, structure-analysis and realisation of
         landscape care

     -  Drone use for  standard-, infrared-, NDVI- and thermal air picture






